Registration will open very soon (November 2011).

Deadline for presenting authors: 23rd April 2012

Deadline for advance registration: 21st May 2012 


There is a low cost registration fee of just 160 EUR for all our delegates.



Registration fee includes:

* Admission to all sessions and poster presentations.
* Admission to exhibition area.
* Conference documentation and program & book of abstracts.
* Certificate of attendance.
* Coffee / tea break
* Lunches
* Evening Reception
* Trade Day
Registration can be made through our dedicated website or via our registration form.
* Registration links will become active once registration opens.
NOTE: If completing registration online payment made be made at the time of registration. If you wish to register and pay later please use the downloadable registration form.
Invoices will be issued on request to the conference secretariat, AOPC.
Letters of invitation for VISA purposes will be issued on request by the conference secretariat, AOPC.
Registration fees for presenting authors (both oral & poster) must be paid by 23 April 2012.
Registration fees for all other delegates must be made by 21 May 2012.
Registration is separate to your abstract submission.
* Please note that you are NOT automatically regarding by submitting an abstract.
Please submit your abstract now.