Dr Stephen Edmondson - The Henry Royce Institute Sustainability Hub and Coatings

Department of Materials, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Presentation - pdf

The Henry Royce Institute for advanced materials research and innovation has been awarded £5M from the European Regional Development Fund to launch a £10M Sustainable Materials Innovation Hub (SMIH) for Greater Manchester.  Plastic waste is forecast to reach 40 billion tons per year globally and is increasingly associated with major world cities. Urgent action is needed to find sustainable solutions to making, using and disposing of plastics.

The SMIH will bring together material science expertise and business intelligence to offer a defined workflow of ‘Advice’, ‘Assess’ and ‘Innovate’, the SMIH will help businesses to understand where they can make efficiencies, realise opportunities and avoid unintended consequences in their plastics management.

This talk will specifically describe who SMIH will impact on the development of new coating materials.

Website: https://www.royce.ac.uk/smi-hub/
Latest Royce promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_agKY6JJYg